
Detected in samples from concrete

Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Building Materials Energy Technology announced the news conference last week revealed , followed by the national environmental policy increasingly harsh limit on sand mining has become increasingly strict, the first to rely on early Shenzhen Dongjiang , Xijiang supply markets. After October 2008 ,  portable concrete batching plant , West River are limited exploitation of river sand, sand point from the original scores , causing the Xijiang moment only three . Far from satisfied with river sand supply demand Shenzhen market.
One refused to disclose the names of the first volume of the industry , the Shenzhen river sand to build a rare primary market from Dongguan and Huizhou , Shenzhen, a large area of ??sand in the exercise of  construction machinery  ten years of history , nearly six years, untreated sand rewards and punishments will be used as concrete signs of intensified.
According to the type of skills , necessary for Britain at the end of freshwater rinse sand after processing reward and punishment , talent is used as raw materials of concrete , because the sand to reach the inevitable concentration of chloride ion content , it will corrupt build steel . Evidence at the present scale of constructing sand , sand chloride ion content of the exercise can not be higher than 0.06%.  Screw Conveyor  Construction Bureau once again live a sample of 76 concrete mixing station, 100 sets of samples , the detection of chloride ion content of chloride ions from the concrete samples 0.071% , exceeding the above scale .

