
Solenoid circuit fault and fault types

If the solenoid pilot valve inlet, sludge and other vent is clogged, closed lax plunger is stuck, circuit failure, can lead to valve can not be normal commutation. The former three cases should be cleaned on the core activities of the pilot valve and the sludge and impurities. Cement silo failures are generally divided into the solenoid control circuit faults and fault types. After checking circuit fault, should first manual valve knob a few turns to see the rated pressure valve is working correctly for commutation, if normal commutation, then the circuit is faulty. Inspection, the available instrument measuring the voltage of the solenoid, to see whether the rated voltage, if the voltage is too low, should further examine the power control circuit and the concrete block making machine circuit. If the valve is not properly rated voltage commutation, you should check the solenoid connector (plug) is loose or exposure is not true. Method is to unplug it, measure coil resistance (should generally be in the hundreds of ohms to several thousand ohms), if the resistance is too large or too small, indicating that the electromagnetic coil is damaged and should be replaced.

mixing valve failure

Valve failure are: valve can not commutation or commutation slow, gas leaks, solenoid pilot valve is faulty and so on.
(1) valve commutation or commutation can not slow, usually due to poor lubrication, the spring is stuck or damaged, oil or impurities stuck sliding parts and other causes. In this regard, you should first check the lubricator is working properly; lubricant viscosity is appropriate. If necessary, replace the oil, clean the sliding valve parts, or replace the springs and valve.
(2) after prolonged usage valve steel cement silo  prone to wear and tear, stem and seat damage phenomena, leading to gas leakage inside the valve, the valve motion is slow or does not change to the other failures. At this point, you should replace the seals, stem and seat, or valve replaced.
(3) If the solenoid pilot valve inlet, sludge and other vent is clogged, closed lax plunger is stuck, circuit failure, can lead to valve can not be normal commutation. Wheel Loader three cases should be cleaned on the core activities of the pilot valve and the sludge and impurities. The circuit failures are generally divided into the solenoid control circuit faults and fault types. After checking circuit fault, should first manual valve knob a few turns to see the rated pressure valve is working correctly for commutation, if normal commutation, then the circuit is faulty. Inspection, the available instrument measuring the voltage of the solenoid, to see whether the rated voltage, if the voltage is too low, should further examine the power control circuit and the associated limit switch circuit.

Mixing cylinder failure

Due to improper assembly and long-term use of cylinders, pneumatic actuators (cylinders) prone to internal and external leakage, insufficient output force and movement is not smooth, cushioning effect is bad, piston rod and cylinder head damage and other symptoms.
(1) Bolted Type Cement Silo , external leakage, usually due to the eccentric rod installation, lubricating oil supply shortage, seals and sealing ring worn or damaged cylinder and piston rod with impurities resulting from such injuries. So, when the cylinder occurs inside and outside leakage, re-adjust the center of the piston rod, piston and cylinder to ensure concentricity; should always check the lubricator is working and reliable, to ensure the implementation of components oiled; when the seal ring and seal ring ring worn or damaged, shall be replaced; if impurities exist in the cylinder, should be promptly removed; piston rod has scars should be replaced.
(2) lack of cylinder output force and concrete mixing machine not smooth, generally pistons or piston rod is stuck due to poor lubrication, air supply is insufficient, or a condensate tank and impurities and other causes. In this regard, should be adjusted to the center of the piston rod; checking whether the work lubricator reliable; supply line is clogged. When the cylinder memory condensed water and impurities, should be promptly removed.

mixing station failure

Valve failure are: pressure regulator is not high, or the slow pressure rise.
Pressure regulator is not high, often due to pressure regulator spring break or diaphragm failure and must be renewed; pressure rises slowly, usually caused because the filter is clogged, should be removed and washed.
Piping failures are: leaking pipe joints, hose rupture, condensate aggregation.
Leaking pipe joints and hose rupture up to judge the sound leak from the site, should be promptly repaired or replaced; if there is accumulating condensate pipeline, it shall promptly drained, is characterized by condensed water in the northern winter, easy to knot Ice and clogging gas.
Compressed air processing components (triplets) faults are: oil and water separator failure, regulator and lubricator failure.
Wheel Loader oil-water separator is divided into, filter clogging, breakage, drain valve moving parts moving parts is not flexible and so on. Concrete Mixing Truck clean the filter, remove sewage and impurities inside the oil.
Regulator fault with the "valve failure" identical.
Lubricator fault phenomenon: no drop of oil deposited on the bottom of the oil cup water, oil cup seal failures. When the mist does not drip, check the inlet gas flow rate is below the fog flow, leaks, clogged fuel adjustment needle, etc.; if the oil cup bottom sediment moisture, should be immediately removed; when seal is damaged, should be replaced.

mixing station compressor failures are

Check valve is damaged, badly worn piston rings, the intake valve is damaged and air filter blockage.
Concrete block machine the non-return valve damage, just ten seconds after the compressor automatically shut down, turn off the power, the hand plate moving large belt wheel, if can more easily turn a week, then the check valve is not damaged ; the contrary, non-return valve is damaged; Further, the pressure switch from automatic exhaust vent below the case to be judged, in general, after the air compressor should be shut down automatically after about ten seconds to stop the exhaust, If you have been in the exhaust until the compressor starts again when to stop, then the check valve is damaged, must be replaced.
When the pressure of the air compressor concrete block machine slowly and accompanied by string phenomenon that has been severely worn piston ring compressor, should be replaced.
When the intake valve is damaged or clogged air filter, but also make the air compressor pressure rises slowly (but no strings oil phenomenon). Checking, can be put to the palm of the air inlet filter, if the heated air out the top, then place the intake valve is damaged, must be replaced; if suction is small, usually caused by dirty air filters, Filters should be cleaned or replaced.

mixing plant control requirements

Each of the cylinders, control valves and motors by concrete mixing processes required to run the various cylinders, control valves and motor control must be accurate, stable and reliable.
Concrete Mixing Truck with automatic or manual mode, and the relationships between independent and mutually constrained.
The system has good anti-jamming capability and concrete mixing machine self-protection.
Through communication with the computer, you can display system status, fault alarm.

mixing station works

Concrete mixing station is divided into four parts: sand feed, powder (cement, fly ash, expanders, etc.) to feed, water and feed additives, transmission mixing and storage. Their workflow shown in Figure 1 , mixer control system power, into the human - machine dialogue operation interface, system initialization process, including the recipe number, grade of concrete, slump, the amount of the production side, etc. Asphalt Mixing Plant the weighing of each hopper, metering hopper for detected, the output signal feeding empty or filled material, prompting the operator to determine whether to start mixing control procedures. started sand, stone belt motor fed into the weighing hopper; open fly ash, cement tank valve, start the screw conveyor ash electromechanical cement to the weighing hopper; open positions and concrete mixing machine water control valve inflow of water and additive metering hopper. metering meet the set requirements on metering Doudou door, ingredients into the blender started mixing, to the set time to open the door mixer, concrete mixer truck into the material has been received within.


Strict control of waste discharge

Strict control of waste emissions, concrete mixer truck cleaning emissions generated by waste need to put the location of abandoned waste water to be treated in the preliminary sedimentation tank before discharge. Wheel Loader every day after work must arrange for cleaning of the site, the concrete residue eradicate station and sprinkler dust, cleaning after reported webmaster acceptance. Prohibit non-mixing stations operating room operating personnel from entering the interior kept clean and tidy. Mixing station control room personnel must be cut off after work, power and water supply, shut doors and windows, in order to ensure the safety of indoors, but also steel cement silo dust floated into the room. Mixing station after specimen production station, clean the residual concrete. Aggregate warehouse cleaning must arrange 24 hours in order to maintain warehouse clean, timely aggregate subballast to clear, warehouses often sprinkling dust. Upon completion, carefully cleaning the debris, removal of temporary construction and waste shipped to the specified location.

mixing station environmental protection program

1, the Environmental Protection Act to seriously study and implement the relevant provisions of the local environmental protection department, in conjunction with relevant departments, environmental monitoring, investigation and control state of the environment, urging the station staff to do the work environment, and accept the supervision of the owners and the environmental protection department guidance. 2, environmental protection and strictly abide by relevant state laws and regulations to control environmental pollution, to strengthen the ideological education of construction workers. 3, Concrete mixing plant protect the site surroundings, take effective measures to prevent pollutants from entering water sources, directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited within residue dumped in rivers and canals. 4, the mechanical recycling or waste oil to be properly treated, non-random poured. 5, always keep the site during construction good drainage, construction of temporary drainage facilities, and with the permanent drainage facilities combined. Screw Conveyor, pay attention to watering sites, reduce dust pollution of the environment. 6, during the strict control of the noise generated by mixing station, try not to affect the normal life of nearby residents.

mixing station civilized construction accountability

1, Concrete mixer every day after work must arrange for cleaning of the site, the concrete residue eradicate station and sprinkler dust, cleaning after reported webmaster acceptance. 2, prohibits non-mixing station operating room operating personnel from entering the interior kept clean and tidy. 3, mixing station control room personnel must be cut off after work, power and concrete mixing machine, shut doors and windows, in order to ensure the safety of indoors, but also can reduce dust floated into the room. 4, mixing station after specimen production station, clean the residual concrete. 5, aggregate warehouse cleaning must arrange 24 hours in order to maintain warehouse clean, timely aggregate subballast to clear, warehouses often sprinkling dust.

Regular blender metering device

Measuring instruments shall be affixed on the logo indicates its status, with different colors identify its state, the state is divided into: Qualified, restrictions on the use, storage, demotion, scrapped. Qualified validity of measuring instruments shall be marked and numbered, and the remaining states should indicate the start of its state. Concrete block machine shall ensure that, if the wear measurement management personnel should be replaced. Measuring instruments should be created files, including certificate of verification of measuring instruments, factory certificate, use and maintenance records, manuals, etc. Regular blender metering device measuring instruments used in various departments to check measuring instruments in use to grasp the quality of the case. When used or found during the inspection of measuring instruments misalignment, should immediately stop their use, concrete block making machine the actual situation by the metering member debugging or ask legal metrology institutes debugging, testing, no person shall be dismantled or adjusted. Measuring instruments instruments and equipment maintenance, maintenance by the owners Zhu Xiaohong responsible.

Measurement Management System

Mixing station management system developed measuring instruments, measuring instruments unified management.Cement silo with the national "Measuring Law" and relevant measurement management regulations, rules and working procedures, which shall include: the acquisition of measuring instruments, testing, distribution, use and maintenance, archiving and scrap processing, measuring instruments to ensure a qualified state. Establish measuring equipment management accounting, ledger should include: name of concrete batching plant, management class, specifications, number, date of manufacture, the use of human (or use the site, department), test cycle, test time. Should develop measurement instruments test / calibration program, regular testing, prohibit the use of the following measuring instruments: Failing to conduct periodic verification or test failed; without test certificate for; did not use legal units of measurement.

mixing station equipment maintenance system

(1), the duty officer frequent maintenance equipment, earnestly implement the device's "cross" working method, namely "Clean, lubricate, tighten, adjust, corrosion" to ensure normal operation of equipment, and must promptly fill out the maintenance system. (2), Asphalt Mixing Plant in operation occurs when a fault affecting safe operation, inspection should take appropriate measures, and also superior prohibited device sick to run. (3), equipment overhaul plan, the first person should be run according to the device operating time and circumstances put forward by the competent leadership of equipment and technical staff together to develop and identify repair and maintenance projects, methods, time and responsible. (4), warranty, maintenance personnel must conscientiously implement the plan, and concrete batching plant the equipment maintenance outage time to take effective measures. (5), the warranty period of the device operating records to determine, not free to shorten or lengthen the time in order to ensure the normal operation of equipment. (6), equipment maintenance period at all levels of maintenance, maintenance levels condemnation after power equipment maintenance and technical performance must meet the requirements. (7), mixing plant machinery and equipment repair and maintenance of mechanical maintenance personnel responsible for.

mixing station equipment use

The operator must strictly in accordance with the ratio test departments to provide for the construction, if arbitrarily change the mix, every time the operating personnel found the $ 50 fine imposed on the owners impose a fine of $ 100. Bolted Type Cement Silo result of mishandling mechanical, physical, quality of the accident, should follow the "three left off" principle cause of the accident analysis, and accountability of the persons responsible for the direct economic losses by 50% penalty. Each station is equipped with mixing electrician and mechanic, each of whom is responsible for site equipment, routine maintenance and fault repair. Each station is equipped with a set of commonly used mixing repair tools, kept by the maintenance staff, if lost or damaged by the mixing station itself. Mixing station should get ready, the availability of equipment consumable parts, excluding accidental failures, concrete mixing machine operation of equipment. Operators should be prepared to control room mixers around the grounds of environmental health, and promptly clean up residual concrete mixing compartment. 28th of every month for equipment inspection, the inspection focus on equipment routine maintenance situation within the industry and station sanitation. For inspection and assessment of the results for the excellent mixing stations, given certain incentives, inspection and assessment results for poor mixing stations, will be punishable by a fine and informed.


mixing station after each job, you must turn off all power

Timely maintenance and proper operation of the device is to ensure the normal operation of the premise, to this end, mixing station equipment use must adhere to the following principles: 1, the operator must be trained and certificates, operating without a license is strictly prohibited. 2, according to the construction task reasonable arrangements for the use of equipment. 3, mixing station operator should remain relatively stable, Concrete mixing plant  reasons to be adjusted when the consent of the operator device management personnel consent to proceed. 4, the operator must stick to work, to do three to understand (understand the structure, understand the principle, understand performance), four are (will be used, will be maintained, a check will be troubleshooting), press the "concrete mixing plant safety procedures." , "concrete mixing station operating procedures" requirement for steel cement silo and based on "Lubrication Table" and "mixing station routine maintenance schedule" regular maintenance. 5, the strict implementation of the shift system, shift changes, operator response equipment to conduct a comprehensive inspection, and fill shift record, the former class operator should be indicated in the transfer equipment problems and precautions, for appearing on the group This class work problems must be resolved before the device is disabled sick job.

mixing station Precautions

1) should be checked before each job mix is ??correct. 2) Concrete block machine  should immediately press the stop button. 3) failure or operator error basis having the stop button, you must press the stop button and press the reset button. 4) Every time you open concrete block making machine without ingredients, you can press the key ingredients. 5) regularly check weighing mechanism, sensors and sensor connections. 6) Check the belt if there is deviation phenomenon, if the deviation should be timely adjusted.

mixing plant operation method

1) Turn on the power, the display shows "P", KM1 ~ KM4 contacts simultaneously pull it.
2) Enter the mixing ratio, not a fixed value of "000" (should be less than the value set with the ratio of about 15 ~ 20kg, this is the gap, in order to beat the ingredients according to the actual results of correction. 3) with the ratio setting is correct,Concrete mixer button to start batching ingredients. 4) Ingredients completed, the material light only after the material according to the material buttons. 5) When the printer is in standby, the material is completed print the results of this ingredient (no printer or the printer is turned off skip this). 6) The batching program ends, the need to re-batching ingredients can then click the button, concrete mixing machine controller's automatic / manual button, automatic lights when in automatic mode, then simply press the discharge button.

mixing station after use inspection, maintenance

1) clean mixing tank, outside, discharge door, hopper fouling, water rinse, material shall not be Concrete block machine the hopper. 2) Check the blade and mixing arm bolts are loose, if loose should be tightened immediately. Especially in the beginning of the concrete block making machine in use should focus on checking to ensure mixing blades and liner clearance value ≤ 5mm. 3) power off, lock the electrical control box. 4) for each lubrication point, add enough oil (grease).

Handling Precautions mixing station

1) machine is turned on, open the emergency stop button, power indicator lights and fault means OK. 2) Blender work, flush switch should be closed. 3) hopper is raised, is prohibited in the hopper below to stand, to avoid accidental injury. 4) Concrete Mixing Truck process, not free downtime. If the failure occurred in the middle should be immediately shut down, open the discharge gate mixer manual unloading of materials (artificial discharge must turn off all power), troubleshooting and then OK start. NOTE: The mixer can under no-load start. 5) mixer running process, not maintenance, steel cement silo be shut down and turn off all power. 6) during operation, do not allow sand, gravel, etc. fall into the operation of the machine parts, hopper bottom of the sticky material should be cleared up in the net, so as not to affect the opening and closing of Doumen. 7) shall not exceed the load feeding the machine running.

mixing station empty commissioning

1) Start stirring motor, two stirring shaft steering and signs should indicate the same direction. 2) vigorously fight foot pressure compressor, start discharging mechanism, discharge door opening and closing should be accurate place. 3) Start the pump to draw water, the water supply system should operate normally. 4) Wheel Loader lifting winch motor, hopper raised to unloading position, should automatically stop, Doumen open automatically. Hopper in operation, such as motor power, brake motor brake can live hopper, hopper then fell more than if 150mm, specifying the braking torque is too small, you should adjust the braking force; hopper drops, concrete mixing machine level of turnout Card live, down to the pit bottom, the rope a little loose, winch mechanism should automatically stop. 5) In the above commissioning process, if found to be not normal circumstances, you should downtime, complete troubleshooting only after the concrete mixing operation.


Powder silo mixing station set

A mixer should be set at least two cement silos, a fly ash silo, a slag silos. In order to prevent the powder inside the silo arch plugs, silo should have broken arch; mixing station site in order to improve the working environment, to cement silo breeze requirements dust, top of the silo should be automatic cleaning equipment; In order to detect cement cement silo storage capacity silo material level indicator should be set;Wheel Loader monitoring the temperature inside the silo, silos should be set within a temperature sensor; For ease of testing
samples from the silo should set up a dedicated sampling port; in order to ensure safety, lightning protection devices must be located at the top of the silo. To ensure safety, must be the foundation bearing capacity silos and steel cement silo field tests, such as bearing capacity can not meet the silos and mixers foundation bearing capacity requirements, you need to fill the foundation for change process.

mixing station Hopper Set

Hopper settings should be fine, reasonably, that the ability to be able to meet the requirements of stored material, but also consider the warm winter construction needs, while ensuring easy haul, state stability, avoid secondary pollution. Concrete Mixing Truck gravel mixing station should be required to feed grading, grading inspection, grading storage, and should therefore be based on aggregate number of specifications to determine the type silo. At the scene of two with gravel, sand as a specification considerations, sand, stone positions require a total of six, including three zones to be tested, three qualified zone. Sand, stone brick warehouse use intermediate isolation, to avoid mixing; silo bottom of the concrete to harden, steel cement silo opposite to the exit slope, avoid stagnant water inside material; aggregate in order to avoid contamination and rainy weather, top and stockyard surrounded on three sides to form a closed material shed; Top Hikichi a drain, set up in front yard drains, in order to facilitate drainage.

mixing station layout

(1) mixing station should be closed management, including the following basic functional areas: sand, stone screening washing area, storage of raw materials, transportation areas, concrete mixing machine,  logistics channel area, office and living area. Boundaries of the various functional areas should be clearly
identified. (2) office space and living quarters should be structured, color steel roof generally use two-story house. Office, living space and laboratory space should be separated apart. Space shall be provided with a variety of eye-catching signs establishment. (3) The office and living space should have
good lighting, ventilation, summer, heat conditions. Screw Conveyor workers should have the appropriate temperature and humidity conditions. (4) field region mechanical vehicle should be placed orderly, logistics channel should be unobstructed. (5) mixing plant site shall take reasonable hardening of concrete
and green space, and should maintain a hygienic environment. (6) the work area and living area with good drainage.

mixing station planning and design approval

After mixing station planning should be promptly Shanghai-Kunming passenger line segment Concrete mixer section of concrete mixing plant construction application form (application form see Annex 1) and the mixing station planning and design programs submitted headquarters, unified command reported by the trial
supervision units, the Paragraph concrete mixing machine is completed and submitted to the Shanghai-Kunming passenger line Guizhou Engineering Ltd. approval before land requisition procedures for mixing station construction.

Mixing station planning and design of main content

Layout, mixing station to determine the size, land area, machinery and equipment configuration, function zoning, site foundation treatment, surface hardening, road planning, electrical design, drainage design, mixing and storage silo base
station master basic design, color steel roof covering gravel silo design, office and living area design, material procurement metering system design, information systems design, organizational design, site laboratory construction, aggregate sieve wash system design, environmental systems (including sedimentation tank) design . Concrete block machine  coal fly silo foundation treatment such as mechanical inspection must be considered, the number of tube silo meet inspection requirements. Mixing plant scale mixing station appropriate scale, mixing station total installed capacity to meet the needs of a large concrete block making machine principles, in principle, are at a stand dual machine configuration. Layout should be compact, try to land conservation. Field aggregate reserve capacity is less than 10 days or else concrete requirements.

mixing station siting process

1 supply of concrete to improve efficiency, cost savings, concrete mixing station should be located close to the scene, while avoiding interference with the construction, should be selected in the central area of ??the concrete scope of supply.
2 ample source material, and convenient transportation. For ease of sand and gravel, cement, fly ash, slag and other materials entering the transport, mixing station should be located conveniently close to the highway, according to the actual situation of the construction of the introduction of the address
line. Three electric power, water and access to convenient, smooth communication, to meet the mixing station network management requirements. Four venues open flat area to meet the construction needs. Cement silo to consider cleaning and
storage of raw materials, concrete mix, mixer layout, logistics channel, office and living areas, etc., site area should be sufficiently large and flat, open, to meet the production needs of the construction. 5 to ensure safe from floods and landslides threaten to avoid landslides, rockfall, landslides, unstable
rock and other locations. Avoid soil, spoil venue. Avoid high voltage lines and tall trees. And communication lines to maintain a certain distance. As far as possible away from the buildings built in the 20m, 300m away from centralized blasting area, 1 km away from the concrete batching plant over the region. From the boiler room, generator room, kitchen and other temporary housing must be located no less than 10 m. Store flammable items should be specified in relation to the temporary storehouse safe distance away. 6 Construction interference, environmentally friendly and pollution treatment.

concrete batching plant

Basic principles: Asphalt Mixing Plant reference design provides full siting position, to meet the requirements of land use approval; should be kept away from villages, schools, factories, military stations and farms, places prone to natural disasters such as to minimize the surrounding natural and social environment interference, do not account for the cultivated; detailed construction to give full consideration on the basis of investigation transportation, water supply, power cement mixing machine,  environmental and water conservation, land reclamation requirements and other factors to determine a reasonable scope of supply.


industrial technology utilizing waste as a brick

China's building brick production and use has made great progress, but the resulting take up a lot of land, spend a lot of energy, and the environmental pollution and ecological destruction have become can not be ignored, we must solve a big problem. Back in five. Sixties, the state has proposed to reform small bricks, the section of soil, energy, utilizing waste as a long-term policy of brick industrial transformation, in 1983 the former State Science and Technology Commission, Bolted Type Cement Silo , are taking solid the transformation of the development of new brick wall materials as an important component. 1992, the State Council approved the State Building Materials Bureau, Ministry of Construction, the State Bureau of Land Management "on accelerating innovation and grab the material promotion of energy saving building materials opinions," the notice an article (Guo Fa No. 199266) explicitly proposed to speed up wall materials innovation and promotion of concrete batching plant materials urgency, importance, beginning of this century, the state authorities to further raise the goal to develop measures to accelerate the pace of wall materials, on July 1, 2003, the first in the country 170 cities prohibit the use of solid clay. Long-term experimental comparison, based on the successful development of the invention "green rabbit burn sandstone brick" new products and technology. The product set section of soil, energy-saving, steel cement silo, low cost, versatile, and many other advantages in one, in line with national industrial policy, a state policy to support the new building materials, has great application value, solid clay bricks Revolution.

The lower end of the connecting screw extrusion molded tire combination block

Automatic block making machine is a combination of domestic and international first Advanced technology, developed by engineers with many years of experience in the design and production and production The new equipment, which in the Chinese market and praised by customers!Screw Conveyor block making machine, gantry connection with the rack as a whole, in the gantry A squeeze frame beams screw seat, seat assembly in the spiral screw extrusion, extrusion
The upper end of the screw assembly hydrostatic pressure wheel, hydrostatic hydrostatic wheel hand wheel assembly, the extrusion The lower end of the screw connection block molded tire combination, the rack has a combination of tire mold and cards Having, in combination with the concrete batching plant and fixture side blind heart mandrel, the mandrel in a blind bottom of the heart A connecting rod, connecting rod and rod hinged lever hinged on the fixed shaft in the middle,Fixed shaft and rack mount; concrete block of the utility model has the energy, security Wen, construction, high efficiency, good economic returns, etc.

Special double-ended synthesis output vibration technology

Concrete mixing plant can use a variety of waste ash, slag, slag, slag,Coal stone, volcanic ash, coal ash, stone chips, construction waste can produce a variety of high-quality Amount of load-bearing or non-load-bearing products.
Unique cutting and broken arch so that the material quickly and evenly into the mold box, special Double-end synthesis output vibration technology, reasonable vibrator so arranged that the vibration steel cement silo Mobile stations are uniformly distributed, thus ensuring product weight, strength consistency.
Cement block making machine with hydraulic integration combines technology and high quality appliances Hydraulic components, the equipment operation during each cycle accurate and consistent, comprehensive performance Stable and reliable. The product size precision, stable quality, efficiency.

Vibration of the concrete form of quick exhaust

The use of excess pressurized fluid, to convert it into shock force, Thus basically eliminating energy consumption.
Reasonable vibration distribution: Concrete block machine the mold box lock cylinder vibration table, mold Taiwan All vibration; pressure head equipped with a special vibrator another, in order to increase the effect of vibration velocity. This vibration of the concrete form of rapid liquefaction, exhaust, make products to high-density, High strength. A large proportion can use a variety of waste ash, slag, slag, slag,Coal stone, volcanic ash, coal ash, stone chips, construction waste can produce concrete block making machine high-quality Amount of load-bearing or non-load-bearing products.
Unique cutting and broken arch so that the material quickly and evenly into the mold box, special Double-end synthesis output vibration technology, reasonable vibrator so arranged that the vibration exciting force Mobile stations are uniformly distributed, thus ensuring product weight, strength consistency.

The use of high strength steel with a special welding technology manufacturing

The parameters of each actuator can be arbitrarily set. Guaranteed Product quality and efficiency.
Asphalt Mixing Plant. The use of high strength steel with a special welding technology manufacturing. To ensure the body's rigidity, self-important, and the system does not produce resonance excitation.Extend machine life of the machine.
Storage material separating device: Closed belt conveyor, strict control of small semi-material storage material Volume, cement mixing machine send with the use of concrete to prevent the impact of early aftershocks liquefaction, indeed Insurance product strength.

Novel use of electromagnetic and ultrasonic double vibration mechanism

There ejection mechanism under the template, the compacting mechanism installed by force double crank mechanism, Concrete Mixing Truck mounted ultrasonic vibrator and electromagnetic vibrator; the utility model Using electromagnetic and ultrasonic double vibration mechanism, real shock effect, and low noise.
Mechanical loss, while dual crank pressurization device, not only the compaction effect,And small power consumption, high intensity block. Block making machine production line mainly located Equipment includes steel cement silo machine, block making machine that is called (or hollow brick, block Machine, cement brick), as well as hollow block machine code board, blender And transport equipment.

Improve block density

Using the four pillars, accurate positioning, mold balance and stability, improving block cipher Solidity, Concrete block machine, good appearance.
 mold replacement convenient, simple, and easy maintenance.
Described above is the big and medium-sized automatic block molding machine equipment, in addition to small Block making machine, in general, the size of this device is to be in accordance with Nissan Righteousness, Nissan standard bricks in ten thousand or so devices are called small, since this
Kinds of equipment, the overall design is relatively simple, so it is relatively easy user operation.
Are generally concrete block making machine  hydraulic and vibration molding, while small block Molding machines are generally used vibration molding, but the capacity of small equipment produced Product quality is not inferior to large equipment.


Concrete recycling separation equipment

Concrete recycling separation equipment, mixing station, batching station, automatic control system; concrete mixer truck, pump, pump and ancillary products; pumping machinery, fabrics machinery, injection machinery, casting equipment, measuring equipment; paving machinery, vibration equipment , concrete crushing equipment, asphalt concrete mixing.
Concrete mixing plant Board sets of technology and equipment: prefabricated exterior insulation panels, decorative gypsum board, gypsum fiber-reinforced composite wallboard production technology and equipment; wood and plant fiber decorative panels, wall panels set of technologies and equipment; plastic composite board complete technology and equipment.
Building insulation materials, Screw Conveyor and equipment: glass wool, rock wool, ceramic and other insulation materials production technology and complete sets of equipment; polyurethane, polystyrene, rubber foam insulation sheet production technology and equipment.

Molding machine is the host block production line

Molding machine is the host block production line, this section focuses on the type of block making machines talk about the view. Some people say that the block making machine hydraulic mechanical transmission machine than good, not only the vibration still pressurized molding. Concrete mixer is mainly due to the hydraulic molding machine, molding pressure and vibration block forming the vibration system is not yet understood. Take U.S. Bessel produced BH3-1-molding machine, vibration molding hydraulic ram cylinder valve has been reduced by approximately 0.5Mpa, cylinder head with pressure head with the mold box The synchronous vibration compacting concrete in decline, this time in a low-pressure cylinder head floating state, concrete mixing machine exert great pressure. In addition, if the vibration is applied great pressure molding, vibration loads equal to a substantial increase in the amplitude will be greatly attenuated the vibration vibration system is not up.

Concrete mixture by vibrations when a thixotropic phenomenon

 Concrete mixture according to the thixotropic effect to vibration phenomenon, can be relatively small pressure, the shorter time to obtain dense, so block vibration molding pressure head required to exert pressure on the concrete. Concrete block machine standard indenter pressure on the upper surface of block value should be greater than 0.02Mpa, foreign to the dry concrete mixes pressurized value of approximately 0.015Mpa, too much pressure will prevent the concrete mixture granule vibration, concrete block making machine ensity results. Pressurizing the above value, the general block machine head pressure produced to meet weight requirements, particularly the pressure head is set in the vibrator, the vibration compacting effect is better than static.

Floor and floor molding machine plus delivery

From the design perspective, hydraulic molding machine easy process action, and moving machine parts is relatively small, relatively simple structure. So molding machine manufacturing companies around the world are producing the majority of hydraulic molding machines. Of course, does not mean that all hydraulic molding machines are used hydraulic transmission process action, if any, plus floor and floor Bolted Type Cement Silo and other devices are also transported by mechanical transmission. It should also be seen molding machine hydraulic pump station, hydraulic components and hydraulic control system is more complex, it generally takes a professional manufacturer concrete block machine;  especially the use of tanks, fittings and control valves and other hydraulic components are of poor quality , the failure rate is high, users are more troublesome maintenance. U.S.

Show concrete equipment suppliers

Organizers of the exhibition with many years of rich experience in the organization will conduct a strong promotional efforts to attract from concrete, cement, gravel, mining, road, rail, water, construction, metallurgy, chemical industry and Concrete block machine industries in charge of engineering and technical personnel and trade buyers, for the majority of professionals to provide innovative products and technology solutions. By then, buyers and suppliers will gather one, in an interactive business environment and industry peers in key technologies, concrete block making machine get an excellent opportunity to expand their business. We focus on concrete technology and equipment dedicated to promoting business exchanges and cooperation with users, technology and equipment for the global concrete manufacturers set image display, branding, marketing and communication powerful platform, suppliers and buyers can not miss event .

hollow block production in its infancy

As long as local fly ash, slag, coal gangue, sand, stone powder, slag and other industrial waste resources, which material the cheapest and most abundant use of this material brick lowest cost. Cement silo the use of technology to produce the least amount of unburned cement, higher activity material may not cement, and the production process unburned steamed, so the production cost is lower than the cost of clay brick. In addition, countries in order to promote the new wall materials, the use of clay brick building who collected 8 yuan per square meter brick funds, subsidies to new wall materials concrete batching plant hollow block production in its infancy, backward technology to people to stay Under a bad impression that can only do fences; With the scientific development and technological progress, block has been widely used in non-load-bearing walls and bearing wall construction, the use of specialized technology to produce load-bearing hollow blocks, walling material leading products, its strength is higher than clay brick strength.  

production unburned margins

Since each region's per capita arable land, economic levels and differences in resources, resulting in some areas are still using clay bricks, the main reason is because the local brickworks did not timely transition, there is no such unburned bricks of new wall materials instead , and yet we can not stop the building, resulting in concrete mixing machine in clay brick. However, the resulting market prospects and business opportunities is also investments and the best time ahead of others, this time also the largest production of unburned margins.
Clay brick (240 × 115 × 53mm) label is usually 75 to 100. The use of technology to produce sharp Tai Machinery Factory No. Asphalt Mixing Plant than in strict accordance with the standard design, the strength of full compliance, materials such as fly ash pozzolanic activity reaction hydrated calcium silicate and calcium aluminate gel-filled pores , enhance adhesion and to promote the strength of the long-term growth and cured with good durability and stability. Both theory and practice has proved that its late strength is growing, long service life than clay.


mobile crushing plant and mobile brick machine supporting

China has begun to attach importance to the rationalization of the use of material resources, the proposed "energy conservation" and other policies, and to carry out a large number of feasibility studies, such as the traditional wall materials, zero waste recycling, waste materials, masonry garden road in practice the application of . Concrete Mixing Truck Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. developed the production of mobile construction waste - Combination brick production line (moving bricks factory), the construction waste mobile crushing plant and mobile brick machine supporting the brickyard "move" to the demolition site, construction sites, making it a "mobile brick factory", can be made in the field Road teeth bricks, paving bricks, grass brick, square brick, permeable bricks, and other 15 kinds of unburned brick, mostly for municipal construction. .
Construction waste to replace the traditional clay bricks as brick masonry materials, clean up the environment, save energy, protect land resources, is a kind of economic and social benefits of the product, so that the construction industry embarked on a virtuous circle of economic model has become the driving force for sustainable development construction industry. Housing and Urban Affairs, the Ministry of Finance issued a "further promote the application of renewable energy construction notice" concrete mixing machine , by 2020, to achieve the renewable energy consumption in the building sector accounted for 15% of building energy consumption. Construction waste brick line with the true meaning of green building materials: renewable resources, low production, energy saving and environmental protection. Green building development has come of age. We use green building future.

construction waste recycling information

With economic development and social progress, greatly expanding world population, natural resources are depleting, and from industrial production and waste generated during life also will be increasing. Particularly in the construction developed very rapidly, which produces construction waste is also an unprecedented increase.Concrete mixing plant is the solution to "junk encircling the cities" and the scarcity of resources an effective way of construction waste from the global information resource analysis, some of the strength of the research team and design units are carried out at different levels associated with construction waste recycling studies and have achieved fruitful results.
The world's first country to implement environmental labeling system. Germany, each region has a large construction waste reprocessing plants, only in Berlin was built more than 20. Currently, recycled construction waste in Germany is mainly used in highway pavement. Double concrete roads on the use of construction waste concrete, the total thickness of the pavement 26cm, bottom concrete 19cm, using construction waste concrete, the surface layer of natural aggregate concrete 7cm. Germany is expected to be concrete batching plant construction waste used in concrete projects. France also use crushed concrete and bricks to produce concrete block masonry, concrete has been obtained by the determination of compliance with the relevant standards of concrete masonry. Implementation of a unified Nordic environmental label. CSTC has long been concerned about consistent recycling of construction waste, and in late 1980s started to establish a Belgian association to promote the recycling of construction waste.

effective ways to scarcity of resources

 Construction waste to replace the traditional clay bricks as brick masonry materials, clean up the environment, save energy, protect land resources, is a kind of economic and social benefits of the product, so that the construction industry embarked on a virtuous circle of economic model has become the driving force for sustainable development construction industry. Housing and Urban Affairs, Asphalt Mixing Plant of Finance issued a "further promote the application of renewable energy construction notice" clearly states that, by 2020, to achieve the renewable energy consumption in the building sector accounted for 15% of building energy consumption. concrete mixing machine brick line with the true meaning of green building materials: renewable resources, low production, energy saving and environmental protection. Green building development has come of age. We use green building future.

effective ways to scarcity of resources

With economic development and social progress, greatly expanding world population, natural resources are depleting, and from industrial production and waste generated during life also will be increasing. Concrete mixing plant in the construction developed very rapidly, which produces construction waste is also an unprecedented increase. Waste recycling is the solution to "junk encircling the cities" and the scarcity of resources an effective way of construction waste from the global information resource analysis, some of the strength of the research team and design units are carried out at different levels associated with construction waste recycling studies and have achieved fruitful results.
In recent years, China has begun to attach importance to the rationalization of the use of material resources, the proposed "energy conservation" and other policies, and to carry out a large number of feasibility studies, such as the traditional wall materials, concrete mixing machine,  waste masonry materials in the Garden Path application of practice. Mobile construction waste - Combination brick production line, the construction waste mobile crushing plant and mobile brick machine supporting the brickyard "shift" to the demolition site, construction sites, making it a "mobile brick factory", you can Field Road teeth made of bricks, paving bricks, grass brick, square brick, permeable bricks, and other 15 kinds of unburned brick, mostly for municipal construction.

recycling of construction waste materials generated by newborn

In the green affordable housing construction, construction waste recycling building materials can be described as arising done a great freshman. Construction waste crushing, screening can be made into different specifications of construction aggregate, including 0-3mm ,3-6mm ,6-10mm ,8-13mm aggregates can be used for building brick. Concrete block machine brick is generally made from forged high water, waste clay, water resources, cost of manpower, material larger country has been banned. Pastes by sand, gravel, cement, adhesives, synthetic, and it is now commonly used building bricks. Construction waste recycled aggregate made from construction waste concrete block making machine through expert department, in full compliance with the criteria required for construction of brick, and its price is better than unburned. Construction waste recycled building materials for the protection of child housing construction, not only solved the Shenzhen construction waste intractable as problems, but also saves the existing available resources.

construction waste mobile crushing plant

Construction waste mobile crushing equipment, successfully resolved the problem of construction waste recycling, construction waste will be transformed into a renewable environmentally friendly building materials, the use of sub-new campus construction. The project has been carried out, the Shenzhen municipal government attaches great importance to, Shenzhen has become a national regulatory system of large public building energy model city construction, renewable energy demonstration city, Wheel Loader Energy Saving key cities, construction waste reduction and utilization pilot cities. Strengthen green affordable housing construction, construction waste is misplaced gold, once the rational utilization of its value is inestimable. The new building construction waste garbage disposal equipment - mobile crushing plant after disposal, can produce different specifications of construction aggregate, and these construction aggregate after moving permeable brick machine can be made into bricks, steel cement silo and other 20 kinds of color The new environmentally friendly unburned difference, according to authorities monitoring, construction waste made of solid brick exception, compressive strength up to 11 MPa, and also has insulation, heat insulation, noise performance, these unburned brick entirely replaced trend, not only greatly save land resources, but also entirely consistent "green building" standards.


Concrete mixing equipment used in the actual situation

The mixing station is mixing station in the absorption of foreign advanced technology and control technology agitation Technique based on the combination of domestic concrete mixing equipment used in the actual concrete batching plant
And the development of a high-productivity, high intelligence, high reliability, high Environmental protection, highly modular features such as mixing equipment. Equipment package from the bone Silos, aggregate belt conveyor, powder warehouse, screw conveyor, mixer, Screw Conveyor  water supply systems, gas systems, control systems, main frame Frame and other components, are independent modular structure, has the following characteristics: 1,Stirring excellent mixing console is the industry's first high-Mary mix beads Healthland Mixing machine, and its decades of experience in developing it has a very high reliability.

During operation of the machine concrete mixing station

Meanwhile, the concrete The mixing station maintenance parts are equipped to go Taiwan or seizure ladder, and has sufficient Maneuvering space, mixing console can be equipped with high-pressure automatic Concrete block machine, with Function starvation and over-temperature alarm function, easy maintenance of equipment.
Concrete mixing station has a good environmental performance, the machine during operation, Powder manipulating the system are carried out in the whole block, pink tank with efficient dust concrete block making machine methods greatly reduce dust pollution of the environment, while mixed Concrete mixing station for unloading equipment and pneumatic systems are used exhaust muffler Effectively reducing the noise pollution.

Excellent mixing console

Concrete mixing station since been put into use in China's building materials industry Has played an important role, of course, this is also the concrete mixing station itself Possess superior characteristics of the decision.
Concrete mixing plant consists of sand and gravel feed, powder feed, water and applied Agent to the material, transport and storage of four parts mixing equipment Tongshen overall Steel casting, high-quality H-beam is not only beautiful appearance, but also strengthened Concrete mixing station's overall structural strength, equipment, easy to install, can be applied In a variety of complex terrain structure.
Concrete mixing station with good mixing performance, the device uses double spiral Horizontal shaft forced mixing console, steel cement silo be strong not only for dry hard, Plastic and various proportions of the concrete mix can achieve good results.

Belt conveyor conveying distance big advantage is

Mixing station conveyor belt conveyor with hopper conveyor and two ways. To enhance the advantages of the hopper small footprint, simple structure. Belt conveyor The advantage of conveying distance, high efficiency, low failure rate. The main conveyor belt To apply for a temporary position in the aggregate mixing station, mixing station to improve the hygiene Yield.
Powder conveying: Screw Conveyor powder is mainly cement, fly ash and mineral
Powder. Powder commonly used method of transport is conveying screw conveyor, a large Mixing with the use of pneumatic conveying and transporting scraper. The advantage of the screw conveyor Simple structure, low cost concrete block machine.
Liquid transport mainly refers to water and liquid admixtures, which are respectively output by the pump Sent.

Large concrete works

Because of its mechanization, high degree of automation,Therefore, productivity is high, and to ensure the quality of concrete and cement savings, Concrete Mixing Truck in concrete construction volume, long duration, site concentration of large, medium Type of water, electricity, bridges and other projects. With the development of municipal construction, mining Stir with a focus on providing commercial concrete mixing station has a great location, And thus rapid development, and to promote concrete pumping construction, real Now stirring, transport, pouring mechanical joint operation to create the conditions.
Batching and mixing difference: cement mixing machine  structural Easy installation, can be composed of container transfer sites suitable for construction works are Field; mixing large volume, high productivity, only as a stationary mixing Devices for large hydraulic works or production of large commercial concrete supply.

Concrete mixing plant material handling system

This book is available materials science and engineering, inorganic non-metallic materials engineering professionals Industry in undergraduate teaching, and also for cement, concrete and construction companies Building engineering and technical personnel training and reference.

concrete batching plant concrete mixing plant mainly by the mixing console, the material called Volume systems, material handling systems, material storage system and control system, etc. Concrete mixer and other ancillary facilities components. Because bone building aggregate measurement and station Material measure, a decrease of four intermediate links, and is a vertical blanking meter
Volume, saving the measurement time, thus greatly improving the efficiency of production, the same type Number of cases, the mixing ratio of production efficiency production efficiency three mixing station One half.

Completely remove residual mortar mixing outside

The machine has no external filling hole. Pay worm gear box, gear paid and
Bearings and other moving parts on a quarterly basis plus molybdenum disulfide grease once, Screw Conveyor Open each bearing cap, bearing between the guide rails and columns, lifting bodies Should always drip oil lubrication, maintenance once a year, all the machine cleaning And add oil and grease.
 In case of metal crash the machine running noise, you should first check the mixing Leaves a gap between the pot and stir correctly.
 use of stirring the pot, Wheel Loader gently, not free collision to Free deformation caused by stirring the pot.
When replacing a new pot or mixing blades should be adjusted according to the aforementioned method Whole gap.


construction waste is considered the most potential for development

Construction waste is considered the most potential for development, inexhaustible "urban mines" and "misplaced resources."Concrete Mixing Truck of concrete, bricks, lime, stone, gravel, dirt, dust, wood, plastic, steel, broken tiles, glass and other construction waste, the independent production company Yifan counterattack crusher mobile crusher station processing can be realized after construction waste "turning waste into treasure," to achieve recycling rate of 90% or more, no secondary pollution, can achieve near-zero pollution, zero emissions ideal environmental effects. Although many villages in the provinces and cities on the demolition site, are the piles of construction waste, but we did not worry because we can borrow easily counterattack mobile crushing plant construction waste into these useful material. Currently, construction debris after a preliminary screening to concrete mixing machine, a certain size requirements of the building materials recycled aggregate. "It is reported that the use of recycled aggregate is very extensive, according to particle size, can be used as wall plastering materials, Backfill materials, brick and tile industry, recycled concrete aggregate and recycled planting soil.

Mechanical equipment of the wall

Despite the current overall construction machinery market is not optimistic, but because of the popularity of Screw Conveyor trend is inevitable, the process of urbanization in the market demand for construction machinery, engineering machinery, and 10 years of golden period. In the valley, the construction machinery will usher bottomed.
Construction machinery is not a whim decision. Previously, the mechanical equipment of the wall a very good concrete block making machine , many brick-making machines and concrete customers downstream customers are overlapping. Therefore, building materials and machinery for construction machinery products have been well developed pre-market bedding.

Concrete and road equipment industry

"Construction Machinery in 2011 the market share of nearly 9000 million road machinery equipment assuming there are 500 million yuan annual output value of the international and domestic market demand attracted into commercial concrete and road equipment industry,Concrete mixing plant already mature brick many needs in this area.
Despite the current overall construction machinery market is not optimistic, but because of the popularity of China's urbanization trend is inevitable, the process of urbanization in the market demand for concrete batching plant,  engineering machinery, and 10 years of golden period. In the valley, the construction machinery will usher bottomed.

pioneering engineering machinery

Since last year, investment in fixed assets due to the cooling effect, China's construction machinery industry as a whole showed slowdown situation, individual species or even negative growth, even in engineering machinery enterprises will inevitably be affected. Screw Conveyor ,the mechanical but adverse economic growth, steady development, engineering machinery large mixing station equipment, construction machinery sales have accounted for 20% of the whole. "There is such a set of data, concrete mixing machine machinery orders for construction machinery to develop confidence.

revolutionized industrial production model of solid waste brick

Free pallet automatic production lines will lead the domestic tile industry a new industrial revolution.Concrete mixing plant to solve the land, labor difficulties, many problems of higher labor costs, is a real sense of the almost free labor, the liberation of labor free pallets brick machine is a one hour can produce 30,000 standard brick machine , a way to get strength increased by 30% compared with the machines, a radical subversion of solid waste brick industrial production model of the machine, "free pallets automatic production lines, is a mechanical after nearly 10 years of development and repeated performance verification based on the completion steel cement silo line produced in full accordance with European standards, and localized innovation, completed by a group of international team hsiang. Currently, the production line has won dozens of national invention patents and utility model patents.

free pallets automatic production line is an ordinary brick machine ten times the price

Free pallet automatic production line is an ordinary brick machine ten times the price.Concrete block machine such a huge price gap, which means that, although the initial investment this product more, but two or three years can bring enormous benefits for the enterprise. Now many companies have begun a long-term planning and considerations, so even if the product is officially on sale in December, now it has four orders. "In the market downturn, have huge profits for the enterprise middle and low product life cycle has come to the limits of science and technology to lead the industry, concrete block making machine reshuffle upgrades, backward production capacity of these products will be eliminated, Only by constantly walking in front of the market, companies can go further.. "

lead the industry to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and R & D

Lead the industry to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and R & D, free pallets automatic production line will lead the domestic tile industry a new industrial revolution. It is Cement silo to solve the land, labor difficulties, many problems of higher labor costs, is a real sense of the almost free labor, the liberation of labor free pallets brick machine is a one hour can produce 30,000 standard brick machine , a way to get strength increased by 30% compared with the machines, a radical subversion of solid waste brick industrial production model of the machine.
Understand that this free pallets automatic production lines, is a mechanical after nearly 10 years of research and concrete block machine and performance validation based on repeated complete. Production line produced in full accordance with European standards, and the localization innovation, by a group of international team hsiang complete. At present, the production line has received patents and inventions utility model patents.


Multi-belt ingredient for small and medium sized construction site

Multi-belt ingredient for small and medium sized construction site, because of its smaller base materials such as sand PL800 with 500Kg, press ≤ ± 2% error count, absolute error within the 0 ~ 20Kg, so as to further improve the batching accuracy, reduce errors value without compromising the efficiency of delivery, the ingredients can be slow, fast discharge mode.Concrete Mixing Truck controlled within the 0 ~ 5Kg.
Users use such batching machine in order to reduce procurement costs, and more hope to borrow metering hopper batching machine to simultaneously measure bulk cement, cement screw conveyor through the cement into the cement silo batching machine weighing hopper, generally do not advocate this usage, Because cement fluidity, will cause the conveyor belt weighing hopper mouth with a small amount of cement gap overflow, cement mixing machine live or cement dust pollution, such as have to use this method you must use Groove belt roller and bucket lip additional soft thin wall in order to control the cement spill.

Concrete residual materials

Any measuring instruments are based on a measurement of the initial reference point measurement, Asphalt Mixing Plant can be temporal scales when the zero-value point, it can be empty scale time zero data points (such as the hopper a residual material or accumulated measured the former type of material the actual value), this non-zero data points can be controlled via the instrument manually or automatically considered next measured zero (initial reference point)
Its structure is mostly upper material storage hopper, concrete mixing machine weighing hopper, bottom discharge conveyor belt, hopper with raw materials to be used for storage, storage hopper bottom port conveyor belt under the Founder right ingredients.

According concrete rheological equation

This paper from the characteristics of JZ type mixer,From motion analysis and stress analysis to proceed, according to the concrete rheological equation,
This type mixer mixing power calculation model, and verified by an example. 1
Mixing process in motion analysis of concrete cone near the end of the feed tube
Inner wall of the symmetrical arrangement of a pair of lower blades and a pair of high blades. Concrete mixing plant leaves Tablets and cylinder axis points
Do not become Α,-Α angle welded to the cylinder on. While stirring them with a cylinder Starting rotation. In the mixing of concrete, the low part of the blade of the concrete mix A higher position to concrete block making machine.  Then under its own weight, this part of the mixed Aggregate material falling down, some of which fell in the lower position is high Blade. Some of these mixing compound in the cylinder body splash, while others follow High blade axis direction toward the cylinder near the end of the discharge cone movement.

The dual advantages of concrete mixing station

The dual advantages of mixing station, mixing station can also provide support for the host, fitness For all kinds of large, steel cement silo and small precast plant and highways, bridges, water,Terminals and other industrial and civil engineering, Concrete Mixing Truck concrete, plastic Of concrete, fluidity concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete and various mortar,Type a high efficiency model, is widely used.

On the outside of the mixing tube open gear

The dual advantages of mixing station, mixing station can also provide support for the host, fitness For all kinds of large, medium and small precast plant and highways, bridges, water,Concrete mixer and other industrial and civil engineering, can mix dry hard concrete, plastic Of concrete, fluidity concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete and various mortar, Type a high efficiency model, is widely used.After the completion of the design of reducer, right outside of the mixing tube large open gears Design calculations, it is the difficulty of this design, because the gear ratio Large, need a good solution to this problem in order to finalize the mixer cement mixing machine of the design, and then choose the appropriate section of the drive shaft coupling Connect various devices to complete the transmission part of the design, the material on the upper portion Of a simple design, the final synthesis of the overall unit concrete mixer Points.

Mixing station front moves down to haul

 1, disassembly fast, easy to move when transitions: In addition to Screw conveyor, cement silo, the entire front end down to haul mixing station
Move; Others, such as walking platform, raised panels fold down, without removing all control cables Move. Concrete mixing plant be removed with the station away. Xin Jian special mobile mixing station is equipped with Tires, kingpins, traffic signal devices, brakes, trailer drag Allows speeds of up to 50 km / hour. Installation: Hard to be flat Of ground level; removable with a 30 ton crane. Storage: If Device is temporarily not in use, keeping the transition state transportation transportation, with two , Screw Conveyor and method of operation, principles with a fixed standard mixing station (reference
See HZS type concrete mixing station) 3, mobile batching plant transport all components Unit dimensions are less than the empty container size requirements, the entire station transportation needs Three 40-foot containers.


Brick machine automatic equipment

Automatic equipment: You can say is ready for large-scale investment in brick factory bosses prepared for the large investment, the output is high, of course, the creation of profit is very impressive. Concrete mixer is mainly computer PLC control system, configurable text display, set by a production worker program - input program, when used only to concrete batching plant control system can operate, simple and convenient, high yield, suitable consider investing Large brick factory, a large investment cost customers, but also can get big profit margins.

Brick making machine "to repair raised on behalf of" thinking

Brick making machine technical maintenance means: Mechanical often in order to make good technical condition, to ensure its reliability, improve work efficiency, long life and the mechanical series of technical measures taken. Its main contents are clean, tight, lubrication and adjustment based, and combined with the relevant inspection and testing work.exist "to repair raised on behalf of" thinking. Concrete block machine maintenance plan, the machine regularly with the "disease" job only when the machine is no longer working, only for repair.site due to harsh environmental conditions, technical maintenance maintenance requirements doesn "quantity" conduct, but what comes to mind care what, what to see what maintenance.concrete block making machine maintenance of low quality of personnel, not according to the rules for maintenance, there is no corresponding maintenance records.

Brick machine failure will not lead to stop all production

Mainly divided into vibration molding, molding and hydraulic shock combined hydraulic molding three. Technical parameters: block machine technical parameters and process parameters, TF6-15 block machine main technical parameters. General production workers who use brick after a long time can self-repair, and even when in use will not cause a failure across the board cut, Screw Conveyor can bring greater economic benefits, invest and build factories for a number and the lack of expertise and funding have created a very good friend of convenient conditions.Brick machine mostly in sand, gravel, rain and snow and other harsh environment operations, its technical condition of inevitable decline faster than other machines, will occur between parts with different degrees of loose, wear, corrosion and Results dirt and other phenomena, all connections with the nature of the mutual positional relationship between parts and concrete mixing machine oordination work and so will be subject to varying degrees of impact, resulting in its power, economy, reliability and other performance indicators declined, and even cause the machine accidents. Thus, we must pay attention Mianshaozhuanji technical maintenance.

Sized block forming machine weight of each pallet

As medium-sized block forming machine weight of each pallet has reached tens of kilograms, artificial board labor intensive and high labor costs, it is no special care, no noise, no vibration, placed in the hardened ground , being sent to board machines. Bolted Type Cement Silo and practical, thus reducing production costs, improve work efficiency. Throughout the country unburned brick factory indispensable standardized sets of equipment.
Full mechanical transmission, sent to board more convenient, more simple and more flexible.
Imported PLC computer program control: concrete batching plant,  manual feed plate. Brick, sent to board synchronized, continuous work. Truly production, delivery board, up board automated synchronization. Safe and efficient.

Block molding machine vertical synchronous vibration

It's come to fill the international large-scale mold vibration block making machine field is blank. Has been patented. It implements the block molding machine vertical synchronous vibration. Than the vibrating type, low noise, high speed, high density products.Wheel Loader under the mold box, extending the whole life of the main frame and the pallet, by the majority of cement mixing machine.  Solution has been plagued by large block making machine fabric uneven breakage rate and other issues. Its appearance will improve our block machine's competitiveness in the international market, leading the new trend of block machine. Mold vibration machine block molding machine will be the future direction of development.

Block making machine automatic opening and closing system

Wide choice of materials, the choice of cement, sand, gravel, ash, ceramic, slag, slag, slag, slag, cinders and the volume of industrial wastes.
A machine, through the replacement of mold can produce blocks, standard bricks, brick, etc.Concrete block machine structure design, machine more stable and reliable.
It adopts PLC electric control system, integrated hydraulic station, accurate and efficient in operation, easy maintenance, small footprint, save a lot of manpower, reduce capital investment.
Efficient powerful excitation system design, the use of controlled hydraulic system flow pressure, concrete block making machine Vibration Technology (Thailand patent), the completion of the vertical synchronous vibration, strong exciting force, low noise and vibration pulp to make the material quickly, improve product density and mold life.

Concrete block machine equipment input voltage frequency inverter changes

Inverter motor soft start can be realized by changing the frequency of the input voltage equipment energy-saving speed purposes, but also to give the device to provide overcurrent, overvoltage, overload protection function. Drive more famous domestic manufacturers have SAJ, England. Cement silo ,Teng, molding machine works, the basic structure, rolling device rolling curve parameters, equipment installation accuracy and equipment installation process does not occur with the PLC man-machine interface communications, concrete batching plant positioning approach.
Concrete block making machine at boot time, the motor current is 5-6 times higher than the rated, not only will affect the life of the motor and consume more power. System was designed on the motor would have a certain selection margin, the motor speed is fixed, but in actual use, and sometimes to a lower or higher speed, frequency transformation is therefore necessary.


Best novel block forming mechanism

 A group with the lower strut Connection with the base unit, the connection settings on the sliding beams on the mold, fell beam connection settings
Mode, slide beam, respectively, and strut down the beam sliding fit with the outer strut Set the rack, the rack connected to the upper roof rack, roof rack moves through the hopper bracket set Hopper, Asphalt Mixing Plant the hopper connected with the sliding beams set on the grounds of left upper die mold Right upper die off mode structure consisting of a pair of rocker rocker gear through skateboarding Do not die with the upper left, upper right-mode connection, set on a sliding fit sliding beams central caisson With the decline in the beam connection settings set with a lower mold cement mixing machine,  Taiwan vibration box, the type Agency. The three institutions are thinking style block molding, reasonable structure, the use of a sudden Percussive fabrics and strikeouts combined structure, to achieve uniform cloth horizontal, vertical Straight uniform vibration direction, with good usability, to improve block strength, section Province of cement, reducing costs.

Concrete block with energy-saving features

Concrete hollow block making machine, gantry connection with the rack as a whole, in the gantry A squeeze frame beams screw seat, seat assembly in the spiral screw extrusion, extrusion The upper end of the screw assembly hydrostatic pressure wheel, hydrostatic hydrostatic wheel hand wheel assembly, the extrusion
Concrete mixing plant of the screw connection block molded tire combination, the rack has a combination of tire mold and cards Having, in combination with the tire mold and fixture side blind heart mandrel, the mandrel in a blind bottom of the heart
A connecting rod, connecting rod and rod hinged lever hinged on the fixed shaft in the middle,Fixed shaft and rack mount; concrete block making machine the utility model has the energy, security Wen, construction, high efficiency, good economic returns, etc., can be widely used in buildings Load-bearing or non-load-bearing walls.

Cement block machine Reasonable vibration distribution

Reasonable vibration distribution: By stripping the mold box lock cylinder vibration table, mold Taiwan All vibration; pressure head equipped with a special vibrator another, in order to increase the effect of vibration velocity
. This vibration of the concrete form of rapid liquefaction, exhaust, make products to high-density, High strength. Asphalt Mixing Plant can use a variety of waste ash, slag, slag, slag,Coal stone, volcanic ash, coal ash, stone chips, construction waste can produce a variety of high-quality Amount of load-bearing or non-load-bearing products.
Unique cutting and broken arch so that the material quickly and evenly into the mold box, cement mixing machine synthesis output vibration technology, reasonable vibrator so arranged that the vibration exciting force Mobile stations are uniformly distributed, thus ensuring product weight, strength consistency.
Cement block making machine with hydraulic integration combines technology and high quality appliances Hydraulic components, the equipment operation during each cycle accurate and consistent, comprehensive performance Stable and reliable. The product size precision, stable quality, efficiency.

Storage material separating device in a closed belt conveyor

Heavy duty structural design. The use of high strength steel with a special welding technology manufacturing. Screw Conveyor the body's rigidity, self-important, and the system does not produce resonance excitation.Extend machine life of the machine.Storage material separating device: Closed belt conveyor, strict control of small semi-material storage material Volume, so as to send with the use of concrete to prevent the impact of early aftershocks liquefaction, indeed Insurance product strength.Cement block making machine operating system uses the Japanese Mitsubishi PLC programmable controller and human Machine interface touch-screen control, with data steel cement silo,  safety logic control, and Fault diagnosis system can achieve the ideal man-machine dialogue. Perform a manual, semi-automatic, Automatic mode operation.

Hydraulic block type using electromagnetic and ultrasonic double vibration mechanism

Mechanical loss, while dual crank pressurization device, not only the compaction effect,Concrete Mixing Truck consumption, high intensity block. Block making machine production line mainly located Equipment includes hollow block machine, block making machine that is called (or hollow brick, block Machine, cement brick), as well as hollow block machine code board, blender And transport equipment.Are generally large block making cement mixing machine and vibration molding, while small block Molding machines are generally used vibration molding, but the capacity of small equipment produced Product quality is not inferior to large equipment.

Hydraulic and vibration molding

Mold replacement convenient, simple, and easy maintenance.
Described above is the big and medium-sized automatic block molding machine equipment, in addition to small Concrete mixing plant,  in general, the size of this device is to be in accordance with Nissan Righteousness, Nissan standard bricks in ten thousand or so devices are called small, since this Kinds of equipment, the overall design is relatively simple, so it is relatively easy user operation.
Are generally large concrete mixing machine hydraulic and vibration molding, while small block Molding machines are generally used vibration molding, but the capacity of small equipment produced Product quality is not inferior to large equipment.

Block making machine is to draw on the advantages of similar models

Block making machine is absorbing the advantages of similar models for load-bearing masonry Concrete block machine well as products and fly ash brick products, features, and consider the production and maintenance Repair conditions and developed models.a machine replacement of mold can produce hollow block, brick, standard brick, etc. 10 I kind of different specifications of unburned. Pneumatic drive PC-program automatic and manual control cutting, molding, exporting Continuous complete, safe and stable, concrete block making machine.  Every 25 seconds a standard brick 26, the hourly production 3744; every 25 seconds a brick 12 Block, the hourly production 1728; every 25 seconds a standard block 4, can be produced per hour 576. core components of precision manufacturing, the use of anti-fatigue design, extending the use of the host Life.


Concrete block making machine control man-machine interface

concrete block making machine is specialized in the production of concrete products, brick molding equipment, according to the output size selection of different types of block making machine, according to the scale of investment choice Simple, optimized, selected type, semi-automatic configuration, automatic configuration, etc. block forming mechanism brick production line. Concrete block making machine control interface, Concrete mixer  ppliances are used in Germany Siemens, Fujitsu, Germany Schneider, display imported by Taiwan, Japan, Omron and other brands, integrated control program 20 years of actual production experience, combined with the international development trend research and development to meet the conditions written in the design, implementation no professional, simply training to operate, powerful memory can be upgraded equipment needs.

Block making machine with mechanical, electrical, hydraulic integration technology

The block making machine with table and mold vibration hydraulic compression molding, using round-oriented feed Feeding device, short cycle times, high production efficiency, quality and dense blocks of high strength,Precise size. Block making machine with mechanical, electrical, concrete mixing machine technology, the device Each cycle of operation of the same, thus forming high output stability, scrap Concrete block machine.  Block molding machine of a machine, through the replacement of mold can produce different regulatory
Grid of bricks, hollow blocks, curbs, pavers and tree planting grass brick, lattice Brick and other cement products. According to production needs programming, implementation manual, semi-automatic Move, such as automatic movement running.

Block Making Machine, compared with the traditional clay brick machine

Regular checks and Concrete mixing plant fittings to prevent loosening leaking.
Operators are not allowed to replace them privately for the hydraulic components when a fault occurs, should be set Prepare timely service technician to repair the equipment troubleshooting.

block making machine with three bars upper and lower pressure molding, molding can immediately Stacking, Wheel Loader a care brick panels, brick masonry is currently the latest models.block molding machine produced by standard brick low-cost, highly profitable. All necessary costs Into account the cost of each standard bricks 9 cents, the market price 2-3 times here. block making machine body using high-precision, high strength castings and special welding technology And materials, steel, good resistance to vibration, long life.

Block making machine system allows the minimum oil temperature is 25 ℃

Concrete block machine system allows the minimum oil temperature was 25 ℃. Optimal operating temperature of 35℃ -45 ℃, exceed 45 ℃ is detrimental to the system. If the value exceeds the specified response systems Conduct a review Yao, and remove.
To ensure that the electrical system to work, we must maintain voltage stability, its value does not fluctuate Should be more than or less than the rated voltage of 5-10%.
Electrical cabinets, junction boxes, console, door or lid must be closed when the machine is working on Or cover, not allowed to open use, so the contamination.
When the hydraulic system failure (for example, does not operate normally, hydraulic instability, hydraulic Too low, concrete mixing machine,  temperature rise too fast, etc.), to promptly analyze the reasons for discharge In addition to failure, allowing the machine to work sick, causing a major accident.